Friday, April 30, 2010

UV Bead Lab

Design a controlled experiment using your UV beads. We already know that they change colors when exposed to UV radiation. Your assignment is to find something that protects the beads from the UV rays, keeping them from changing colors. Sunscreens, clothing, hats, glasses, shade, and windows are all possibilities. What ever you choose, you must be specific (brand, SPF factor, creme or spray, what window, etc).

These are the things that should be included in your experiment:
1. A testable hypothesis (be very specific here)
2. Experimental group and control group - include size and detailed descriptions so that the experiment can be repeated. Consider: time of day, UV factor (you can look this up on, length of exposure, date, weather conditions, etc.
3. Your results and conclusion.
4. Recommendations for further research

This is due on Monday, May 3. If you are going to be out for an AP exam that day, please drop this off in your class basket at some point during the day.

Have fun with this!

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